Auburn Community Park
In 2005 the Board of Trustees purchased 67 acres (formerly known as the Cathan Farm) from the Western Reserve Land Conservancy (WRLC) for the purpose of creating a community park.
This 67 acres is protected by a Conservation Easement which is divided into 2 catagories: “Natural Area” (passive park) and “Open Field Area” (active park). The agreement between WRLC and Auburn Township is a perfect fit. Much needed sports fields, a playground, parking lot and consession stand is planned for the active park and walking trails for the passive park area.
In the summer of 2011 we broke ground for an access drive off Munn Road.
This phase of Auburn Community Park development was funded by a $100,000.00 State of Ohio grant that was made possible by State Senator Timothy Grendell.
Auburn Trustees are working closely with Kenston Community Education (KCE) to determine size and locations of the fields which will best meet the community’s needs.
In addition to the $100,000 grant, KCE, along with community leaders, have pledged to raise funds for specific needs such as a concession stand, field irrigation, and field layout.
Check back frequently to follow the progress of our Field of Dreams!
If we build it, will you come?
Auburn Community Park Development Video
Kudos to Troop 11!
Girl Scout Troop 11, in conjunction with working on earning their Bronze Award, will construct a walking trail at Auburn Community Park. The troop met with the Trustees and presented a power point outlining their proposal. The Trustees are very appreciative of our scouts and their community service projects. Thank you Troop 11! To see their presentation, click here.